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Old 11-11-03, 04:26 PM   #1
Mental God
Posts: n/a
Instant Message Bots


lol whoever sent me this is retarded

Roar10013: heyyy illmental, its stacey, u seem cool so i thought i shud speak to u n maybe cyber later ;-) hope u dont mind. so how r u?
illmental is GOD: lol
illmental is GOD: stacey?
illmental is GOD: stacey who
Roar10013: my bird just bit me :-\.
illmental is GOD: lol.. kill it
Roar10013: Have you heard Throw it up by Lil Jon and Eastside Boyz? it sounds so sweet with a couple nice subs.
illmental is GOD: hahaha... who is this
Roar10013: I'm Stacey.
illmental is GOD: your mom... shea got it goin on
illmental is GOD: shes*
Roar10013: have we talked b4?
illmental is GOD: yeah, we cybered.... i was the wizard
Roar10013: thats nice.
illmental is GOD: yes... i casted level 9 erection and you passed out
Roar10013: thats nice.
Roar10013: Your not talking
illmental is GOD: i know
illmental is GOD: so where did you get my sn?
Roar10013: its good u do know...
illmental is GOD: what
Roar10013: i'll probably never know.
illmental is GOD: How did you get my sn?
Roar10013: i'm pretty sure we have talked b4...
illmental is GOD: yeha
illmental is GOD: i think so
illmental is GOD: want to cyber?
Roar10013: im pretty bored, so I'm surfing it's pretty cool, lots of funny away messages, what do you think?
Roar10013: so do you have a job?
illmental is GOD: yes ido
Roar10013: Ok.
illmental is GOD: do you?
Roar10013: i'm not sure .
illmental is GOD: are you a bot?
Roar10013: No. what about you?
illmental is GOD: yes.... im a bot, programmed to ram you in the ass
Roar10013: Alright.
illmental is GOD: lets cyber now
Roar10013: Do u have a lot of friends?
illmental is GOD: yes... but im horney so lets cyber
Roar10013: Alright.
illmental is GOD: do you want to start?
Roar10013: I'm not sure .
illmental is GOD: I think you are a bot
illmental is GOD: what website are you promoting?
Roar10013: Why do u think that i am a bot?
illmental is GOD: cause you have quick responses and they are all the same
Roar10013: i hate this heat! its driving me crazy.
illmental is GOD: its winter
Roar10013: So... do you have a car?
illmental is GOD: yes... do you have a cacr
Roar10013: Sometimes.
illmental is GOD: did you know i have an 11 in penis....
illmental is GOD: AROUND!?
Roar10013: once, many years ago.
Roar10013: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is now reading the whole conversation and laughing it up! GET EVEN! Have the bot talk to all your friends by visiting
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