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Old 11-14-03, 04:00 PM   #72
Posts: n/a

yea...i get to praise myself...its about time....ill never go to jail....this white boy is too good to pay for his crime...ill let my bitch do my time in the pin....did you know...adultry is a sin...god damn...fucked if ya do...and miss good pussy if you dont....there is no way to win...fuck the word and the 9 commandments...or is it really doesnt matter...iam just thankfull i got a small i always have to pea....i dont care who watches...ill even let fat bitches enormous P P....its long and hard just like a 30 ft aluminum ladder....bitches see my dick...and get so nervouse...thier teeth shatter....when that shit happens....i smile...i dont even gotta ask whats the matter....i just fuck the bitch....aim for the face....blast my load...and watch it spladder.....iam done with this thread