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Old 11-14-03, 08:27 PM   #5
Horud Skys
New to RB
Posts: 78

Hes as old as the woman he feels late at nite when hes shakin
And im ruthless, I took out his legs so NO further steps could be taken.
girls laugh at how tight you sport snakeskin & crocodile leather hoe
I got him shook and nervous as a virgin @ prison rodeo.
beat, rattled & bruised ur brain so bad that the army started sporting the Fatigue.
Gimmic is so dope hot that he'll always be number 1 .. in a fantasy league
My name and rep is spreading across RB and ur like Trash already across rB
He shines liek a diamond in a goats ass! what an ugly site to see..
I see why you don't Care caz when u rap the shits like half assin stuff it lacks.
This young pervert will never rap,
caz his voice does more than coke, pot & weed it cracks
Deja Phuckin Vu
Originally posted by Avalon

Horud Skys ...
Many say Horud... I hate to say it... but...
Av's prediction... Horud Skys... Have you seen this kid..? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...