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Old 11-17-03, 09:11 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

ok, overveiw beginning to end:

the title even got me y'all!! That's what made me want to read this. Which ever one of y'all came up with that should give yourself a big pat on the back!!
The first lil bit... all I could think of was "Oh no! He beats her! " like another poem that I read by Liba Dee, I'd been talkin to her about abuse and stuff so it's close to home, or at least what what's been in my mental the last few days. Your writing style is a lot like mine Soulstress. Which made things a lot easier to read when it came to your parts. And at one point I could imagine your familiarity with the lines that you'd written. I dont' know why that came into my head of all things but it did.

Emcee I've never seen anything you've written I don't think. At least I don't recognize the name, but you are talented (I'm sure you know that because not just anyone can pull of a collab with a writer like Soulstress). You had a different approach to a collab, which was cool, you're writing style definatly complements hers and you two make a good team. Not too many people can write poetry well with dialouge because common words are no where near as beautiful as the thoughts that we express while writting, but you still did a great job at that too.
Over all great peice, you two are a great duet, and I'd love to read more from both of you (even together again if you felt like it) Peace
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