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Old 11-19-03, 03:29 PM   #32
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Cam speaks the truth. You are all brainwashed by Eminem's racist propaganda. Countless times I have found myself listening to one of his songs and saying to myself "Damn, that was the most racist thing ive ever heard". Take this for example, "Lets do the math, if I was black I wouldve sold half." So, hes saying that because hes white hes at least twice as good as every single black man out there. Fuck that. Open up your brains and see Eminem for what he is. Another instance is in the movie 8 Mile, in which he wrote the battles, "So i'm a Nazi eh? thats ok..." what does he think hes doing? Little Johnny sees that movie and grows up to be a Nazi because Eminem said it was ok. Fuck Eminem and his racist antics.
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