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Old 11-19-03, 04:39 PM   #10
New to RB
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Posts: 64
From: ...Tha darkest corner of a lil boi's Mind...

i can onli bow to this peice the ending was dope the poem was dope anit wasnt predictable like most things these days...but all in all the poem was dope....have i said that already?...well ne ways i like the ways soulstress spoke on her pain and her satisfaction in her attackers death...and the confused husbanb...that was played perfectly...but id liked this peice much ta tha both of yall...-shi-
__________________ tell...

Every lil boi is born shi......their ignorance makes them bold......

simply put"...wise words whisperd to deaf ears as no one hears the blurred proverbs that're always spoken clear so i fuckin swear that my where wont be here as time tolls..." second verse of 'Elevate' written by -shi-
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