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Old 11-20-03, 08:19 AM   #16
Funn DementaLL
BANNED - Cheating
Funn DementaLL's Avatar
Posts: 235
From: East London

I been in EXACLY the same position, last year a girl called Chennel got close to me. An at first it was her who liked me an I payed no mind. I startin' spending time with her though an she was dere when I found out my uncle died an she comforted me. From dat day I expressed feelings for her an she took advantage of my sensitivity by flirting with other boys an talkin' bout how buff this boy is an what not. My love grew to an obession despite the fact we argued ova dis boy she says is buff... she says its me she likes but still semmed to like another 2 boys. I hated her an like you did I wrote a song bout it an put it through her letterbox... I got hell from her, she came to my yard an ripped up the paper in my face an shouted "fuck you" an left... well, I did diss her in dat verse, it takes a while to get over... time is the best healer!!! I still think bout her eventhough I got someone else nowadays... more always come along... its likw waiting fo a bus, you wait ages for one then like 2 or 3 come at the same time... good lookin' on your work, I really liked it coz I can relate, it makes you a mentelly stronger person.
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