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Old 11-20-03, 11:47 PM   #1
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
The Necromancer's Avatar
Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon
Geneticly Inclined to Never Love


If I talked to a girl, I wouldn't know what to say
"You look like a horse." "NO! I mean that in a GOOD way!"
"Would you like to see some pictures I drew? Specificly of you?
Yeah about those tentacles, oh I drew those too."
I have a few thoughts in my head. Being in love, being dead.
And thoughts of regret for words I have yet to of said
Each time I look for love, it is in the wrong place
Either internet websites, or screams towards outer space
My love is such a twisted thing, eternally spiralling down
Because it starts in such bliss, and has nowhere to go but down
That's why when I fantasize, it starts with hugs and kisses
And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her ass, with a strap-on she violates mine
And I can't continue these thoughts, in monosyllabic rhyme

As I lay awake in bed at night cuddling and
Crying into one of my pillows, I ponder for a moment
All the moments that in a moment made my life
What it is today. If I wasn't so shy I could have
Talked to that girl, and the one I did talk to
I should have gotten her number. And for that
Girl who's number I got I should have called.
And to the girl I did call, I'm sorry I hanged
Up so abruptley. I must've had a panic attack.

Maybe I wasn't built for love. Wasn't designed for it.
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