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Old 11-21-03, 09:06 PM   #3
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Necro, you crack me the fuck up! I just laughed and laughed outloud, in my office reading this. It was kind of embarassing because one of my female coworkers happened to be massaging my tensions away at the same time. She got all rosey in her cheecks after reading your drop. I am not sure if it was embaressment or something else. Well that was one hell of a massage, so thanks.....

P.S. Everyone contains the ability to love, weather it be in the traditional sense or the narcisitic sense. We all are capable of love. Compatiblity is another issue, those who truly think they are not designed for it, as it relates to the opposite, or even same sex, just need to find someone similar in nature. I never thought I could fall in love for most of my adolecent years, then I met my ex wife, she changed all that in a heart beat.

Very good drop..

Much respect..
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