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Old 11-22-03, 03:10 AM   #11
Posts: n/a

nice read man it was a longer read, but worth every word of it i like this a lot

deacon - beautifull personification of earth man this was really really nice great imagery concise vocab and stayed on point man u really grasped this well

calisto - nice as well good imagery both of you compliment each other very much

filed - eh dirt is earth nonetheless this was also well written i can tell you put some effor into this piece and you rewarded your readers with it

content - in my eyes the one who brought everything together you really stood out man...and that is a feat considering your partners dropped bombs...if i tried to critique you i would diminish the meaning of ill just say that you were the best in my eyes on this peace displayed dexterity in all categories dog

all in all this piece was nice all you complement each other well

if you guys can do me a favor and hit up my open mic its in my sig...i know its not in this forum, but i need some poetic type of feedback...not everyone in open mic understands alliteration and metaphores and all that stuff so please please if you guys can hit it up i would appreciate it

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