Thread: Net Nazis
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Old 11-22-03, 02:57 PM   #1
O Healthy Begin
Posts: 45
Net Nazis


jus looking at the thread where C-Section claims he got demodded becoz he sed sumat agaisnt Kalvin which if was the case i totally agree that shouldnt of been

but his number one fan the end is running a similar regime hes banned members for criticising him before and if he daint like them basically for fuckin nuthing and it seems like every post i make where i say sumat bad agsint him gets deleted check febble minded thread as an example

personally i think rb should be a democracy with members only banned for cheating n similar stuff not jus coz the admin or mod simply dislikes them. Also i nether knew mods could banned, Chrit has really thrived on his power trip it needs to be stopped

Im sorry for another "RB Politics" thread jus a lil point
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