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Old 11-22-03, 07:48 PM   #4
Light Weight
Posts: 303

you're a "lyrikal murder"? or did you mean lyrikal murderer?
get your grammar straight, no one wants to hear a stutterer
maybe you're right, maybe you can murder me with lyrics
the only problem is, you gotta get someone to want to hear it
like tupac, i'm taking this one day at a time
treating every line like it could be my last rhyme
that's why I'm praying, hoping I don't "pass" soon
like a typhoon, i'm coming, disturbing your room
if your occupation* really is rapper, you're right ~end of story~
the only exposure you'll get, is at 11 am on Maury**
you hit it on the nail dawg, your biography says it right***
there's nothing to know about you, other than you lost this fight

* and *** ....refer to profile
** if you don't know don't vote (talk show)