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Old 11-24-03, 01:21 AM   #12
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has anyone here noticed that all the "eminem is a racist" people usually post something along the lines of:

"hes a racist, end of post"

"hes a racist, fucking white boy"

"hes racist, fuck him"

"hes a racist, you white boys are useless"

"hes a racist, fuck him and white boys"

while all the logical people give reasons to why hes not a racist? whilst not insulting another race?

And what kinda bullshit is this saying he doesnt have to be in the same room as d12? HOW FUCKING BLIND ARE YOU? he's in videos with them, sits next to them at awards shows, is seen with them on tours, is on stage with them. Shit man, as soon as you hear one racist remark he made 11 years ago, suddenly you believe he doesnt like being in the same room as african americans... i dont know how anyone can be that fucking blind or judgemental... but seriously, get your heads outta your asses... you people are the prolly the ones who always believed white people shouldnt rap but didnt have a logical reason to hate him, and now that you do, you cant take your heads out of your asses and realise what the fuck your saying is hippocritical.. just drop it ok... how the fuck does saying "fucking white boys" any better than "i dont fuck with that nigga shit"? Oh yeah, i forgot, white people enslaved africans 200 years ago, therefore all their great great great great grandchildren are racists as well... and all white people therefore hate non-caucasian people... right...
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