Thread: Summary of RB
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Old 11-24-03, 02:02 AM   #1
Feeble Minded
Posts: n/a
Summary of RB


LLL - getting ridiculous. whores making it boring by no showing, just signing up to think theyre good then not being there.

- well modded

SS - never really liked SS myself, but i dont think it shows as much talent as it could. kids needa stop dropping half assed and put real feeling into their verses there.

- avg modding

Audio Engagement - ive heard mostly good things about some of the audio heads in that . its been around awhile and i think its still running smoothly.

- no idea about modding.

Mastered The Art - preety dope and fairly new. good addition.

- well modded

1-2 punch tourney - ok idea i guess. quick and simple. nice addition also.

-well modded

Tag'd - thanks for the gay name brandon (lol). other than kids not voting, and posting half assed verses, yep its dope.

-i mod this.. should i say how i mod? yep. its well modded.

Audio Tourney - whys this still even up ???

-not modded at all .

Front Lines - this is exactly like real war... the front lines people are always demolished. there have been around 99.9% wack verses in here.. but i guess its ok for kids to get better in.

- extremely hard to mod. modded averagely.. id say theres a lot that gets done there but some gets overlooked as well.

Elev. Front Lines- a wack name i think. same thing as front lines anyway... get rid of this & send em back to FL .

-same as FL

Elite fl - pretty dope now with the new elite list making it basically much better to battle in and to get fair voting done.

-well modded, easy to mod.

Cypher - kind of fun to freestyle in here... a good forum overall.

-me and realist do well modding this.

open mic - nice forum... good to get work critiqued in.. one of my favorite forums.

- modded: dunno .

Poetic scriptures: put it in open mic, as a side forum.. just takes up space on the forums page. & dunno how usefull this forum is.. i guess it should be a forum, but maybe theres just not much interest from the site on this....

- modded: dunno

audio arena:
i have no idea.

i.r - a very useful forum. very well modded.

employees only - i bet most of you didnt know this existed. to bad for you

mc interaction: trash since it was made a freepost forum... the worst idea ever.

hip hop lounge: good forum. too much freeposting tho...
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