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Old 11-24-03, 09:01 AM   #8
Smooth JT
Posts: n/a

this did have me chuckling a bit as i read on.

"And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her a**, with a strap-on she violates mine"

had to change it cuz this interent is gay and won't accept that language. i'm at school so that explains it

That part was probably what got us laughin. It was a good read and it was easy to read. ^like they said above, we do have the ability to love. I have a couple friends like that, either fall in love with the wrong person and get hurt or just don't get out and apply themselfs. I'm just lucky and thankful for I have found my love and I'm not gonna mess it up, anyways i'm blabbin on. Again good read. Spect JT
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