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Old 11-24-03, 10:24 AM   #9
Light Weight
Posts: 234

I don't usually reply to your writings..or anyone else's since I don't visit a whole lot anymore. But the reason I don't reply is cause I don't really understand them. You're a very good writer though. Always on some totally different topics than everyone else.

What you wrote here was..well, wierd. The first 4 lines were kind of funny. They had me thinking this would be a light hearted writing. Something just to get a laugh, I guess? The rest of it didn't seem like that at all.

"And thoughts of regret for words I have yet to of said"

That line struck me the most. Do you regret those words just cause they're so bad you shouldn't even be thinking them? If so, I'm the same way. If you didn't mean it that way, ignore what I said. I'm an idiot anyways.

"That's why when I fantasize, it starts with hugs and kisses
And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her ass, with a strap-on she violates mine"

Why everyone found those lines funny, I don't know. I guess, since I've read some of your other stuff, I took you seriously on this...And from your name. How in the world would you be able to say something like that? I mean, that would be some stuff I wouldn't even post on the internet being so embarrassed about it. It would stay locked up in the deepest parts of my mind. I dunno. Looks like you don't like thinking like that but do anyways. Crazy stuff.

"All the moments that in a moment made my life
What it is today. If I wasn't so shy I could have
Talked to that girl, and the one I did talk to
I should have gotten her number. And for that
Girl who's number I got I should have called.
And to the girl I did call, I'm sorry I hanged
Up so abruptley. I must've had a panic attack."

I really liked all that right there. It hit home cause I'm the same way. Wondering about all the What if's and Could have's. I really hate doing that.

Alright, I did like this. I don't think I said what I thought of it yet. It was wierd but good. You come up with different stuff and I enjoy reading it, even though some of it's pretty crazy. Sorry for the long reply. I felt I owe it to you for not replying on much of your other stuff.
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