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Old 11-24-03, 04:54 PM   #1
Rob D
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A day in the life...


A Day In The Life...

Each To His Own

everyones situation is unique,weather good or bleek,
each lives different circumstances,week by week,
from people living well,to people going through hell,
such big contrasts,everyone has a story to tell,

The Prisoner

living day by day,in a cage with conditions unfit,
treated like shit,because of a crime i didn't commit,
surrounded by scum,who show no remorse for their actions,
alone with my thoughts,the only place to gain sanction,
best way to get through,block memories & feelings from my mind,
no visits from my child,seems so far away...his image undefined,
every day is a new battle...herded around like cattle,
dream of the day...when they finally release the shackles,
one things for sure,ill never again endanger my freedom,
4 wasted years...just another victim of the system,

The Millionaire

high profile partys nightly,chaffeur to drive my bently,
ive got money so im going to enjoy it most definitely,
live for today,cant take you possesions when you pass away,
im not on earth for long,so ill make sure i enjoy my stay,
make no provisions for a rainy day,never kneel down & pray,
in life i make my own not a believer in fate,
if one day i lose my fortune,then ill think of a plan B,
but until then im living my life,a permenant spending spree,
i worked hard for the extra 00's in my bank account,
just as hard spending them,decreasing the ammount,

The 9-5 Factory Worker

lifes tough,living on the countries breadline,
first at work,last to leave,always workin overtime,
dont enjoy lavish 3 course meals,but cant complain,
never go hungry,in control of a full workin brain,
try to be a man,provide for my family the best i can,
sometimes its hard,to afford my childrens every demand,
hardest thing to say"sorry,daddy doesnt have enough money"
daughter laughs,thinking im jokin...tryiny to be funny,
it dawns on her im not,reality hits,part of her innocence lost,
thats why im workin hard,for the ideal christmas,whatever the cost,

The Struggle

everyone struggles at some point in their lives,
weather over money problems,or deceitful wives,
many cover their emotions,just wanna cry and hide,
not a day goes by,without contemplating suicide,
no matter how badly everything has gone wrong,
people put it behinf them and keep soldiering on,
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