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Old 11-24-03, 10:10 PM   #13
Posts: n/a

I don't think in anyway that people were laughin at you, you're the cool kid at school that everyone gets along with but it's like no one really knows you because you're almost predictably unpredictable... I think we were giggling at your bluntness and the images that you jamed into our heads that would make the ordinary person gag but that makes the average twisted RB member giggle. One because we don't know how to really react to such a poetically talented, orginal yet a bit on the edge at times writter being so blunt. And two because I know I personally have a lot of respect for you and your opinions (You are definatly one of the highest held people on my RB list). You are a daring poet and individual mind. You poetry constantly pushes the edge of modern thinking and causes the reader to question whether or not these "far fetched" concepts are really feasible... Whether or not you get upset at me for giggling, I did, I respect you, I respect your writting an I think your mind is sexy... scary as it may be at times.... peace sweety keep ya head up
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