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Old 11-25-03, 11:52 AM   #1
Baron Mynd
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From: England
Thumbs up PnP: All The Time


All The Time

Date: 19 September 1993 04:12
Subject: A News Article

Dear Mr. Chandler,
Our tabloids interested in running your story for a four page article in an upcoming issue, basically we'd like a little background information and then your thoughts on the subject, any feedback you could give us would be grately appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
Annette C. Verss
Annette C. Verss
The Daily News Chief Reporter

Date: 21 September 1993 19:37
Subject: Re: A News Article

The house was like a fairytale, a sudden Dream Come True,
we'd often Hold Hands together as we went to See The Zoo.
I thought He was Cool. . & back then we'd go play for hours,
on the Acres of grass he owned, or inside that place of ours,
watching the latest Thrillers .. and If i got scared or worried,
he'd Rub my Shoulders and Kiss my forehead to comfort me.
Often He'd invite us over, me an several other male children
and like to see us Bath Together before we'd sleep with him.
He said it was 'Our Little Secret, no one else should find out'
and calmly placed his palm on my thigh with the lights down.
By Now id sensed this was wrong, told him i that felt scared,
he Broke into Tears and said "But I thought we were friends?"
I told him i didnt mean it. Apologised as he knelt on the floor,
and He Hugged me Much Tghter than I had Ever Felt Before.
Warned me not to speak about this, to keep my Mouth Shut,
cause he'd 'be sent to prison if ever they found out About Us'
After my parents picked me up.. i Breathed a Sigh of Relief,
i used to think that guy was cool, but he was a Giant Creep.
I i Couldnt Sleep that night .. I remember Shutting my Eyes,
& my spine shiverin at the thought of him touching my thigh
i Started Crying .. my parents had started Questioning Now,
Fighting back the tears i revealed what was Never in Doubt,
My parents were sick and disgusted, then a law suit ensued
"The King of Tots?" became common place on Evenin News
its True, we settled out of court for a sum of several million
but you cant Put a Price on how this'll Effect his Next Victim.
will it take Sex with Children before this monsters stopped?!
The evidence was there before.. but Reluctance From Cops,
means this pervert is still out there, & why prolong it longer,
Neverland's a Peadophile's Paradise, too Attract Youngsters.
His innocence's a Cover. There's kids sleepin in his Room &,
some say he's bein friendly, the police consider it 'Grooming'
Which is true, cause now Im smarter than I was as a Child,
I thought we were friends.
and All The Time he was a Peadophile. .

It makes me sick.

- Jordy Chandler
W o r d P e r f e c t

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