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Old 11-26-03, 04:04 AM   #14
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
The Necromancer's Avatar
Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Hm... I thought the rhyming was horrible. That's why I got rid of it in the second verse. But thank you for your kind words.

Honestly, I think it's funny that that girl got so embarrassed. You should probably give me her email address or something so I can apologize. She's not from, she's not desensitized to this scheiße yet. It's like giving a caveman a gameboy.

I seriously don't know how you got it to be so funny. But yes, I'll settle for pretty good. Considering I figured this peice to be scheiße on a stick...

Twizzle Stix
Braile for the mind and heart touching peice. Those words mean enough.

Twizted Ayngel
Personally, when I read this I get a really choppy flow to it. Maybe I should change the tempo when I read it? Anyway, if it's hard to write a crit on, then just don't. No one can ever ask anyone here to force someone to do or say something they don't want to. Unless it's varentao forcing me into a tourny that I ended up getting assraped in. And assraped hard.

Smooth JT
If I was looking for any reaction, I guess I was actually looking for arousal than anything else. (Which is to say I was hoping someone might say it's ok and I'm not really as sick as I think I am since it's all relative.)

I had no idea people read stuff and didn't reply. Not that there is anything wrong with it, as long as they liked the peice they read. And yeah, sometimes I have regrets for things that I know I shouldn't be thinking. It's shitty. As for how I'm able to say that kind of stuff... well, I'm an American Adolescence. I never learned shame. Seriously, I have no shame for myself. I can walk around school naked, dancing, and singing Britney Spears and I wouldn't be ashamed or even embarrassed. Though, I might regret it afterwards when I get expelled. Shame and regret are very different. Anyway, thanks for the words that I've seem to of rarely of heard from you.

"Each time I see a piece with your name on it I just have to click
B/c I know I am in for a suprise each and every time...

That's probably one of the kindest complements I've ever recieved. Seriously.

What can I say? Except maybe I'm always glad you're always one to read my peices. So y'know, I do try and get to all of yours, but I can't always and I'm a bastard that way. Forgive me? Thanks. (Forgive me wether you like it or not!)

As for the word bluntness... that's a mind boggler. 'Cause blunt weapons such as brass knuckles, bo staffs, and clubs are my favorite weapons of choice. And it's amazing that while none of them may break the skin (Although I did blood-let this guys ear once with brass knuckles), blunt weapons tend to do a lot of internal damage. Like internal bleeding or crushed bones or bruised organs and such. Maybe... blunt poetry does the most internal mental and emotional damage? Yeah, that's a mind boggler if I ever seen one.

Y'know by saying you looked in for a much deeper meaning... you've probably looked so deep that you've gone past my original meaning. And that happens. Sometimes I might write a peice that goes at face value at first intentions, but I look at it and I can construte so many hidden unintentional meanings... hm... I think I'll try and find some of them with this peice. Thanks.

"you're the cool kid at school that everyone gets along with but it's like no one really knows you because you're almost predictably unpredictable..."
For the record, I've only recently aquired my school status. I've always been the lonely nerd everyone made fun of. It's only recently change because apparently the afro on my head everyone used to make fun of, seems to be cool now. (That and I'm no longer an annoying jackass with no fashion sense.)

" I know I personally have a lot of respect for you and your opinions (You are definatly one of the highest held people on my RB list). You are a daring poet and individual mind. You poetry constantly pushes the edge of modern thinking and causes the reader to question whether or not these "far fetched" concepts are really feasible..."
That's probably the other biggest compliment I've ever recieved. This and LadyWun's can be on the same pedastool, right? Good. Because they are.

" I think your mind is sexy... scary as it may be at times...."
And that is probably the best compliment I've ever recieved, period. Not even varentao would come up with something like that. (Although if he did... wait.. I should stop there. I might not have anyshame in saying it, but I'd probably regret it.)

And again, thanks everyone. I don't think I've ever gotten this many replys to a peice. Especially since I loathe this peice so much. (Flow sucks, vocab sucks, rhymes suck, expression sucks, etc. etc. etc.... well... sucks according to my standards.)

The only real problem is that I'm a paranoid mother fucker and I'm trying to find what ulterior motive you all have for such kindness. Y'know, besides having me reply to your peices. (Wait... if my mind is sexy... and sexy means sex... but wait... sex isn't on my mind... but if you put sex.. in.. my mind... OYFG! YOU ALL WANT TO RAPE MY MIND AND MAKE ME GIVE BIRTH TO BRAIN BABYS! I KNEW IT!!!!...... or not. Maybe you all are being nice because... you like me?)

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