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Old 11-26-03, 11:48 PM   #36
Posts: n/a

unfortunately this guy posted on bass before i could oh well here is what I had goin

Bass you rap like your from miami
i guess that makes u a legitamit tranny
diss on black and tryin to clown
do you pee standing up?
or pee sittin down?
the way you spit reveals your rhyme games weak
do everyone a favor zip it... dont speak
Man ive heard all of the styles you mimic
you need to stop recycling MC hammer lyrics
dude why you rhyme at a retarded rate?
your so dull you go past sleep and end in a coma state
your a wanna be lookin at me... you wish (pfft)
what kind of retard is named after a fish
go ahead buy his CD "forever is Bass"
if you wanna pollute your ear drums with nothin but trash