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Old 11-28-03, 07:58 AM   #1
Dadi Kewl
-Merk Squad-
Posts: 1,755
From: England
Hard times for a bad world


Fuck was once monstrous, a great scary word
Whose sound struck terror each time it was heard.
Children might say it, but parents would hope
To scrub it away, and washed kid's mouths with soap.

It rang through the gyms, was written in johns,
Employed and enjoyed by bubbas and dons.
Beloved by soldiers, cherished by sailors,
But not used in books - not even Norm Mailer's.

Though he could suggest it, Fuck couldn't be said,
So he wrote it as "fug" in "The Naked and Dead".
Dictionaries ignored it for quite a long while,
As Fuck flexed its muscles and grew potent and vile.

Ladies turned white; young maids blushed in shame
At the frightening sound of that terrible name.
But changes were coming and coming right fast,
And Fuck's fearsome impact couldn't long last.

When Fuck crept into verse and slipped into print,
Then we could say it, no more need to hint.
Its heard now in movies and in public speech.
It penetrates places it never could reach.

But no longer forbidden, Fuck's lost all respect.
It's become little more than a useless old wreck.
What's even worse, when itsd meaning was robbed
By that wimpy "make love" Fuck whimpered and sobbed.

Like a tired old boxer now sweeping the floors,
Fuck's relegated to menial chores.
As a no-account noun or an empty adverb,
It dreams of its past as as powerful bad verb

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