Thread: My Thoughts.
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Old 11-28-03, 08:21 PM   #10
Aisle Phive
AKA Cereal Shelf
Posts: 1,852
From: New Jersey

First off I must say that the only post I would read that is long would have to be from The End...

With that being said, here is my view on this. . .

RB has always been a great site, with the exception of the herbs and etc. bullshit that goes on. The best I've gotten the chance to do is part time mod an inactive site. Never have I really been an Admin or Super Mod. Of all the sites that it would be great to mod RB would be the best, because of its activity level and the overall site quality with the battle polls and other neat features. I have always loved RB, even though I haven't been here as long as most of you guys. But if I were you Brandon I would stay, and I think Chrit, 13th, and C-Section should all be allowed back with mod-duties. Sure what they did was wrong, and a few of my posts got deleted. But it just shows how dedicated they are to sticking with the site and the Admins in it. Which I would love to have that as an admin as well. They had a right to be upset, and so did you. And right now without each of them RB has lost something great. 13th was a great mod, battler, and I was pretty cool with him, he had his own character. In Chrit we lost a s-mod that was extremely active and did more than any mod I've seen ever. He was also a funny and unique character and had the best record on the site, which shows his dedication to the site. C-section only modded EI, but he did a very good job at it, and was one of the funniest people on the site. And if we lost you then the site really wouldn't be the same. I remember the first time you left, I had just joined so I wasn't too upset like everyone else. But now with you leaving it would suck, your the best Admin I have seen, and I'm not being a DR either. I love to read your witty posts, and your jokes are hilarious. I saw you and Cyph Admin .net. And I wanna say that I would love to be a s-mod and get that site going. So get at me on AIM if you want. I'd make a dope mod, trust.

*Looks up and realizes how much he typed*

Well, I hope this was somewhat helpful to you, but ultimately, it is your choice. I hope you stay and I hope order is re-stored. Good day.
<center>Deja Vu

..Remember These Dope Kids?..

.................................................. .
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