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Old 12-03-03, 09:42 AM   #3
da boxa
Posts: 531
From: Pine-Tree

yo this guy calls himself fuckin " high class"
the the only thing we wont pass, is gas!
only 18 and he is already a bitch for D.O.I
thought is stood for, DATES for OTHERIZED IDIOTS, " sigh"!
fuck if your job is being a student you'd think you'd have wit,
but your workin for D.O.I, thay like a toilet, takein all shit
you'd think after liftin all them weights you'd be able to ELEVATE
thing is, the only thing he lifts is his dick, to masterbate!
but dont worry, i'll play you something where you aint a fake.
a game of B'BALL, but i'll still stuff you like a fat kid with cake!
yo do want to know what it is really like to be HIGH CLASS?
well you can climb that ladder by kissing my royal ASS!

i'm out, any comfussion, check high classes profile..............