Thread: big.c vs rhymes
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Old 12-04-03, 12:02 AM   #4
Rhymes's Avatar
Posts: 296

yo yo

this new b has problem his pounches are as weak as his name is..
No lines carried a diss every shot was suerved and miss...

Dissin my mom nowin she's only there to pick me and off of yours..
We do it everywhere like the whore she is even the dirtist floors...

Thats my nuts be on ice its nice this flows right your not tight...
Throw the mic jump and "MUhamed ali" all over your fight...

Your jus not as fast as you think you might be i pulled three holes cuz i "Sting like bees"
your hard to get rid off was my first impression but your as easy to kill like a dog who has flees...
