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Old 12-04-03, 03:16 PM   #7
Posts: n/a


Yah scripts wack, it's streached like a band of elastic/
Yah not linguistic, just egoistic, your far from fantastic/
I'm the grim reaper hand'n over yah plastic casket/
But my scripts burned yah tho, so I'll just put yah ash's in a basket/
This dick riders a pre-writter.. like Erinest Hemingway/
This aint a battle, he's just tell'n a story about get'n fillet'd/
Like a drawn out game of monopoloy.. yah lines are played/
But shit, my 'defined-mind' is smart like Einestein/
Dangerous lines taken away yah last life-line/

Not Even Regus can save yah now...

Cuz you's a chump.. thats the rumor spread'n through RB's grape-vine//