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Old 12-04-03, 04:32 PM   #9
Nitemarre's Avatar
Posts: 528
From: 2 far 4 U 2 Reach

Johnny Carson aint really funny so get chopped w/ lyrical axes||
Each line of mine takes a 'piece' of yo soul like 'spiritual taxes'||
Gettin 'pre-written faxes' still U cant 'communicate' any damages||
My words ravage, U get ate up like 'textual somolian savages'||
U more pussy than Garfield, Dr. Suess wrote more complexity||
Stick to suckin at stand-up, U need wack rappers Vesictomy||*
Its not perplex, when intellegent text, starts tearin ya neck||
U just a pawn on this lawn of battles and I gotcha in Check||
My bars are sharp as spikes nailin ya chest to brick walls||
BUt is it right for the 'straight males' to see dis 'prick fall'?||

Johnny Carson a comedian
*Vesictomy-cuttin a tube in ya dick, this case just 'cut the flow'