Thread: some bloke
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Old 12-07-03, 07:53 AM   #56
Posts: n/a

^^well said mate.

1 last thing...Bowling For Columbine, that film proves how gay and thick americans r, hmm, 11 thousand killed each year by guns, what an amazing country to live in, fuckin dickheads.

oh and that twat thats in charge of the NRA is a full on prick, ''uhhh the reason americans r killing each other more than other countries is cuz of our violent history'' . what a idiot, look at britain n germany .u dickheads weve got wayyyyy more violent history than americans n we dont go round killin each otha, not 11 thousand a year! how gay can a country get, yea lets all salute that ugly ass flag n be proud of a country that is killin itself and r all thick cunts. FUCK AMERICA!
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