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Old 12-12-03, 06:26 PM   #134
Banned: Biting
Posts: 788

Take this sunning, fucking fag gets multiple concussions
he got 5-0 record, what? from fukkin 101 of your cousins?
oh, and your punches not that great for I'm mendin-lit!
I like your avy, How would you like a O at the end-of-it?
That's a k.o, so please say-no or disregard
because you got flow like cable, but it just isn't charged!
an wack drops, just isn't "bars", or anything close an
you couldn't bomb your drops, with massive palms of explosives
in doses, you couldn't be sick .. so check a dentist
because a man without a sick flow, just isn't a "chemist"!