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Old 12-12-03, 07:23 PM   #5
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Opens Door To A Bitter Eerieness...WTF??

streets left if they were evacuated in all of Tandem
I'd pick out the most Tranquil areas but experienced'em Random
peace was left Bemused by this overthrow of Bewilderness
even tho in life we settle for shit..we still strive for the Best
or was this a Test? were somethin trying to Trick or Illusion Us
nothing there to see yet I can still feel this Soft but Trivial Buzz
was there a major event happening? and i wasn't Invited!!
the Queen may have died or a major Superstar Jus Knighted?
but i was Blighted by a sudden rush of Anger from a Far
turned the next corner to see Broken windows n Cars left Ajar
doubtfull Intuition telling me there was Evil scowling the Air
suddenly I break into Prayer and tell the Lord "please be Fair"
as I uttered my last words there came a Thunder in my Face
I held my Body jus Incase coz the Tumor shuck the Place
nuttin left on me but just the Standard police Issued Mace
it was like cat and mouse yet I dont know whos bein Chased
Inbedded in sanctimonial Referals to films like 28 days Later
as the hours of Loneliness grew my thoughts began to Cater
sick Visions of a world where there was jus me and Myself
talkin to myself???!!! shit...thats gotta be bad for my Health
just to calm my Nerves I take a few more Prescribed than Usual
I always wanted to be Alone but now I'd rather go Commutal
Now I seem to be slipping in and out of the Deepest of Sleeps
I'm just resting my Eyes coz this silence gives me the Creeps
can't feel my face no more and I feel Affect of these Pills
a Fascist head's going round and round..much like Wind-Mills
Ending up this way..wishes became a Historical Moment Digested
see fate took its place Injested..*coughs*..Vital signs Arrested

Wishes do come true..sometimes
Be Carefull What you Wish For