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Old 12-13-03, 04:10 PM   #53
Banned: Biting
Posts: 788

this is the "sound of the gods" when i "houndin ya cause"
poudin ya goz, rip ya arms an giv' a "round of applause"
got them "annoucin the odds" of winnin aginst cannabarz
stand on mars" an deliver punchlines to "aliens"
intell ya "head" is wrapped up like n intercoursin "arabian"!
the interforce in my "gradients" is "beyond nature"
an I "beyond hate-ya" let a 9mm long "rape ya"
on CD rom natures" fuck ya girl an let her "thong' take ya
"im a lyrical demon" screamin 2 come out of this figure"
theres-no-pout in thi nigga' out of the water like a "trigger"