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Old 12-15-03, 02:17 AM   #3
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From: NdotC

Originally posted by The Necromancer
That was depressing.

But seriously, it was a good emotional release sort of peice. But it kind of doesn't lead to anything positive. It kind of leads to an emotional dead end, and that's what is depressing about it. I'd hate to be trapped in any sort of proverbial corner like that.

You were able to right this with such clairvoyence, you should be proud of that. Everything just seemed to fall into place and... damn if I wasn't in awe.


Pretty much everything he said.. this was pretty much a good write not considering how depressing it was.. I feel as though you had tons of emotion and alot of negative feelings.. Maybe you got them out but writing this.. But besides that fact, this was a niice write.
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