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Old 12-16-03, 02:40 PM   #8
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NewPort's Avatar
Posts: 2,549

Hmm.. (dont count my vote.. but im just trying to get
people to vote on this.. but ima break it down ne ways)

Never really seen ya shit before.. and you came dope here
the concept was good... YET, you really got caught up in
the story to the point where it seemed like you didn't know
what you were talking about. Your structure was on point and
Some points were basic.. and the finisher didnt rhyme well at
all, but thats fine, because you did a decent job with this.

For bein rushed, it kept me hooked. It was a bit basic, but to
the point which is what i like to see. The concept was ehh.. but
you handled it nicely. Glad you ended it with it not being an
accident.. that was a good change up.. your story telling is on
point.. but you lacked originality.. creativity was there.. n' flow
was on point.. another decent job here

Though a VERY close bout here, and i wouldn't mind seein
a rematch sumtime.. i do THINK (key word think) that calda
took this by only a bit.

unofficial vote - calda
(not swaying.. just trying to upp for people to vote n' expressin
my views on this piece..

still 1-0 Rule