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Old 12-17-03, 03:57 AM   #41
Posts: n/a

ghost face, aka neck brace/
a low wage, closed case/
pack/ ur bags before u/
get cracked with enough bats/
to fill a Mets rack/
u whack emcee, u aint really wu-tang/
cuz i see more rhymes bein spit by liu kang/
i laugh when i see u on the stretcher being wheeled off/
after u were laying on the ground and i Tee'd off/
people hear u and ur weak cough/
i filled ur lungs with blood like my name was anthrax/
left ur body lookin like it got hit by an amtrak/
to stop the bleeding theyll need to cover u in tampax/
then when they bury u ill leave ur gravesite ransacked/
cuz im the kinda nigga that rhymes n doesnt need a comeback/

stagga lee