Thread: MemPhis Bleek
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Old 12-17-03, 02:33 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

The ROC's been dropping average albums, with the exception of the Black Album, for a while now. How good the album is has absolutely nothing to do with how well it sells. The ROC will stay together, like K said, because Dame is a shrewd businessman and Jay isn't a slouch either on the business end of things. And their reputation will keep them afloat too. The ROC has a rep and a lot of cats will buy whatever they put out just off the strength that it was produced by them. For Christ's sake, there's people that still buy stuff from The Row just 'cause they made it, and they haven't dropped a decent album since '97. So, no Memph isn't gonna hold the Roc down if his album is the shit, and he won't break them if it sucks. Neither will anyone else in the Roc for that matter.
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