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Old 12-17-03, 11:56 PM   #34
This is my first post!
DªÖ's Avatar

Feel my bead slip away as i kill myself feel the heats of hell
Never traveled down this road but never helped with some pills
Slippen faster and faster as though i was at work
as i feel the blood rush why'd i do it what was it worth
As i look back to feelings to my way of life before this birth
Child of Music Child of Innocence now My hands are mud felt
Goddess of something ive never knew to be pants that i held up with a belt
Whiteness clears my pupils, eyes thats seen to much
Eyes thats been through to much to say just because
In the end im nor the object to observe or desire
cuz my Pink Slip that never worthed Expired.

-Next : President of a record label.
be creative.please.
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