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Old 12-18-03, 06:57 PM   #1
Nigga Ima OG.
Viscosity's Avatar
Posts: 738
From: Chicago
Rap Created In 7 Days - the Journal of the Creator.


Day 1, I lurked from the shadows lyrically
Sprinkled a beat, and decreeded that the world shall vibe
Cause all of a mind kind, will be lifted off there seat
Emcees only spit about what they knew of
Never bit, nor recycled - they were idols
Ravishly, i listened to what I had created, and went to sleep.

Day 2, I rose, i saw aprentices' and was finally satisfied
There was no 'stab a bitch', just a lyrical gift
I then created the flow of the movement
I cyphered a rap, pulled out a mic, and was dissapointed
It rhymed - but there was no internal rhyming
I sighed, and went to sleep.

Day 3, I rembered the past, and created "multis" at last~ *pause*
I wrote up some lyrics, and the crowd was in awe,
I was the only rapper they saw, so they wouldnt know wat to judge
Again I was disapointed, so I revelaed my next plan
To create another rapper - yes, "Man"
He came from fan, to a future Emcee - then I slept.

Day 4, Man was created, we squared off in a battle
Hearts began to rattle, but - we both choked
I hoped it would be the greatest thing seen
But he came from a rap phene, to on the t.v screen
He didnt know what he was doing, so I gave him lyrical powers
He devoured the hours, and rapped.. I was satisfied and slept

Day 5, I created the rap bible, the 10 rap-commandments
Cats began to establish there ability, consoled skill more then me
Rap became all Ganster, the old days were over
I was dis-pleased at all these miss-deeds
I ordered a mandatory council meeting
They handed it tword me, and removed me from power.
I didnt sleep that night.

Day 6, The sacred rap manual was tworn up
They had free will, and used it, scorn the name
I was sickened by the fake thugs, and fake rappers
It stackered daily, coming from suburbs claming hood
Bothered me, so I made an underground rap decree
The rejects,the gangsta,the real,my "family"
I slept that night..

Day 7, Rap has become commerical, accept for the underground
It holds the same sound, yet more meaning
Yet more deciving, you came from the boddom - the top
Thats when niggas stopped reppin' they block
Popped and opened the casket, I grabbed my mic ~ *pause*
And slammed, and said "ALL FAKE WILL BE STATIC"
I slept fine that night, because - rap was now saved..
I then engraved the commandments, the underground is now established..
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