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Old 05-29-05, 08:33 PM   #14
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

DQ is right. The translation of the bible could be fucked or something, but it is definitely not meant to be taken literlally (well genesis anyway). Darwins theory of evolution could even corellate with the first book of the bible if you thought about it the right way.

In the bible it says god doesnt feel time, so the 7 days mentioned in genesis could be a metaphor for millions of years. Who knows how long a day would be for god? It states that Adam was created from the ground. Whats not to say he didnt start out in the ground as a simple organism that eventually evolved into humans? How can we even be sure "Adam" was one person, and not just a representation of the entire race? Women are the species reproducers, so maybe the story of Adam's rib turning into eve was just a cell splitting in two in a volcanic mudbath billions of years ago. You just don't know.

I'm not even a christian. I have my own beliefs that I formed from many religions, because they are probably different views on the same thing. If you think about it, christianity, judaism, buddhism, islam, hinduism, etc etc all have key points that make sense in all the religions. I don't know if I explained that right. But the existence of God is still what i'm not sure about. God could just be another metaphor for the mind or something like that.
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