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Old 11-29-05, 11:08 AM   #13
Its a me.. Mario
Bone is gay.
Its a me.. Mario's Avatar
Posts: 1,651

Word... noone should predict me or Os1ris becasue we will prolly noshow and not to mention my writing is wack... i mean peep my verse for this week

I met this girl one day walking down the street
And i noticed she had some really nice feet
We started talking a lil more and more each day
She asked me what i did i said i worked with clay
Told her he was my boss over at the factory stoke
The first lie i told her.. he was my boss but for coke
We had gotten into a relationship about two weeks past
And god damn i was loving every minute of that sweet ass
She went to work each day at around one every afternoon
I left aswell to work but not stoke... She would find out soon
She had parked down the street every day the next week
Followed me to the park where i knew people would seek
The shit that i was sellin... She saw one of the deals i did
Went home and searched my closet... Found what i hid
Inside was a bunch of coke and xtacy that i had stached
six o'clock came and i went home.. hug? nope just smashed
Right in the face with the bat i had just earlier boughten
She said i was a piece of shit and should be forgotten
The whole time i kep hearing her say.. I was living a lie
I was living a lie... I was living a lie... I was living a lie..
And with that ended my only great relationship
So i said fuck it... took some X and just flipped