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Old 05-16-06, 10:51 AM   #15
New to RV
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Posts: 17
From: SouthSide Chicago

ight jay

Punches-3/5 they were ok not really that hard hitting but you had some nice lines
Flow-stayed on beat pretty much the whole way through id give you a 4/5 on that
Delivery-2/5 u sounded lazy as hell though kinda got me bored half way through its sounded like you were bored too.
Beat Choice-no was ok but ive heard better beats for battles

Punches-3.5/5 i liked some of your lines they were a lil weak though like the ill change white tees headband and shoes so let me switch gears(or sumthin like that line) but nice try..
Flow-4/5 good flow i like how you rode the beat
Delivery-nice emotional good shit
Beat Choice- i like how you used that beat entee did good shit though i like it

honestly it sounds like they both were just bullshittin i dont even think this is really worth voting but since ive already broke it down my vote is gonna go to..........

vote=fux..sorry jay i think if you woulda came harder you woulda had this cuz fux's verse was kinda weak but yours was just weaker in my opinion...fux ive heard shit alot better from you..

p.s to both emcee's always treat every battle like you just got dissed horribly. u know come hard no matter what..i mean even in between classes you can write sum shit hard enough i mean you both had like almost a week to do this thats plenty time to put sumthin together..peace
"Pray that she abort that
if she talkin about keepin it
one hit to the stomach she'll be leakin it"-Joe Budden

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