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Old 01-31-05, 09:38 PM   #5
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town

Winds furiously swirl in the crisp dark night
No escape in the house as the family fights
I run to my room, trying to dodge the doom
Lie on my bed, my heart filling with gloom
I drown out the screams by closing my eyes
And I awake as the sun begins to rise
Filling and giving light to cloudless blue skies
Birds are singing, and morning dew dances on the grass
I think to myself
…finally a perfect peaceful morning at last
There’s a knock on the door, I ask who is there
A cheery voice says
…Breakfast, take your chair
I walk downstairs, everyone with smiles upon their face
I smile back thinking this dream world is the perfect place
Mom and dad show affection, while Sis and I don’t bicker
A breakfast of sheer perfection, but my eyes start to flicker
I hear a loud, painful pounding in the back of my head
Everyone else is un-phased; eating the meal they’ve been fed
I try to shake off this miserable distraction
Sounds of screams then add to the attraction
My family’s voices begin to fade from my ears
And slowly everything around me begins to disappear

I’m alone in a dark room, filled with constant screaming
I awake and it’s my mother, I unfortunately was only dreaming