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Old 07-22-07, 04:40 AM   #28
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by 2v
A new, more wordly-accepted Religion needs to be accepted and adopted if we are ever to achieve your common dream of being united, BP.

All it takes is views that far outshine any bibles or Religion's, LABEL it a Religion, sell it as one, and it needs to be so utterly ingenious that respected scientists look up to it as a version of 'new world'... In my opinion the world needs to be re-born or no one is gonna pay attention to government business and some rich monkey moron is gonna actually fire his missiles at any given country. Hopefully it's America just so we'd WAKE UP to how dire the earth situation is in terms of belief.

Hope is one thing, but World Order through Peace is an entire different team work of aspects...

sorry for rambling @ you.

Teru, get into this conversation and be as harsh as possible

There is such a religion already. It is the religion of no religion. I grew up as a Christian and also did some Theology, and I never ever understood Christianity at all, my views were completely foolish and based on nothing except what people told me was the truth. As soon as I let go of Christianity and started studying other religions, I started seeing the real purpose of religion.

Any real religion will have at it's core similar teachings. This excludes fabricated religions made by selfish or foolish people. The first religion that really opened my eyes to all of this was Zen Buddhism. It was the first religion I had come across that was completely open, tradition and regulation is not important, and anything that has survived throughout it's history is due to it having a good use. There are no empty rituals. It is known as the religion of no religion because it includes getting rid of misconceptions of everything including the idea of religion. There are no boundaries, no you go to hell or suffer if you don't believe in it. There is so much respect, love and peace, given to others. This story is a perfect example:

A university student while visiting Master Gasan asked him: "Have you ever read the Christian Bible?"

"No, read it to me," said Gasan.

The student opened the Bible and read from St. Matthew: "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these...Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself."

Gasan said: "Whoever uttered those words I consider an enlightened man."

The student continued reading: "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

Gasan remarked: "That is excellent. Whoever said that is not far from Buddhahood."

In studying Zen, the Bible made complete sense to me. Hinduism, other kinds of Buddhism, Judaism, and I'm sure many other religions that I don't know of are just different paths to the same thing. Enlightenment, Satori, Nirvana, Heaven... All the same. Dukkha, Hell, Samsara, the world of suffering... Also all the same. There is a core aspect in all these religions, that is not clear to most people because of the way the religions developed.

Throughout history, there have been fools in important positions in many religions that add negative things to them and ruin the understanding of everybody in the future. The most prime example of this is Christianity in the middle ages.

There can never be a worldwide religion, because people are clingy, reluctant, foolish and skeptical. They have no idea what they are doing. I mean look at me, what the hell am I saying? What I am proposing here could just be the outline of the next religion that people start clinging to and ruining. It could also be wrong, I could have misunderstood something. What is my real intention here? Am I trying to help people or am I being selfish and trying to be above people? I don't even know.

The truth is not something that can be told to someone or found in a book. Religion is a tool, a means rather than an end. It is a signpost pointing to the truth, God, reality, enlightenment, the Tao, the Universe, whatever you want to call "it." It's like a raft you use to cross a river. There are many different styles of rafts, some are humble things made of bamboo and rope, some are small boats made of wood, others are majestic cruise ships, but they are all designed solely to help you cross the river. Once you are at the other side, you have no need for the boat anymore and carrying it becomes a burden.

Some explore the other side while dragging their rafts, and then discover the raft is unnecessary and can let go of the burden. The people who chose to cross in big cruise ships have it harder because they can't even explore and learn, they are too attached to their ships. If they decide to stay on their boats forever, the river will sweep them out to see and they will become lost. All they can do is cling to their boat until they die.
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