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Old 09-11-03, 08:47 PM   #12
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Originally posted by PostMan
here is the real deal. ive been in many underground battles. contrary to what u know its not good to have backup punchlines... ill tell you why. because when u do that your mind then has to come up with something after the punchline and its hard to get back on track after you just got through using your memory. i know that sounds retarded but for those who freestyle alot know what i mean.

second practice is the best way. but its not just practice my nig. just rapping while walking isnt going to elevate you. you gotta do mind games. like just sit in a crowded place. and like battle people in ya mind. like start rappin about they close and shit. just to get yaself use to comin up with quick ryhmes about someones appearance

third thing u should do is no matter how fast u freestyle when practicing freestyle slow as fuck. i mean slow until u can think of nice punchlines/metaphors that ryhme and u still flow together. pretty soon you will find yourself coming up wit metas and shit faster and faster. until its natural. <thats the most important thing. make it NATURAL ... like u could do it sleep. and relax

this is just some things i do. they might not work for everyone but you can try some of them.

Wow, this kinda helped me too....Specially the last part....
I do practice....i"ve just started doing freestylin...and battles...well acutally i havent battled yet but one kid keeps askin me too...and he sucks sooo bad, but i know that i'll choke if i spit and he'll look im holdin it off for a while and practicing.....What postman said about startin off slow is great...i have beendoing that....goin slow....and its startin to come more...
Just keep if you want, like teachers always say...Do it forl ike 10 min a day.....Even longer if you want....Just make a time limit, and start off SLOW, like he said, and move up...
Simple as that....IM doin it...
Keep at it
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