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Old 03-13-17, 12:32 PM   #7
Rather Unique
Posts: 1,066

Lol you aint even see me or know who I am and gonna talk about me being fat as fuck? Maybe when I used to be on this board when I was 16 but I haven't been fat. In fact I took this just for you spul boy. Comparing to when I was here vs. where I am now. Thank you come again.

Second of all we make about the same amount of money, only difference is I don't need fancy shit to get myself by. I live a lowkey lifestyle. I don't need a condo or any fancy shit, I'm saving for the future and investing into shit now.

And this is a side hobby, I haven't taken this shit seriously in YEARS. The last time I did I was opening up gigs for Macklemore and XP. I just came back and started rapping again this year. And even then this wouldn't be my main source of income my job and my investments would be.

So like I said, suck a dick. You used to ride this dick hard and beg me to make songs for you and your wack ass crew.

A year ago? lol I didn't know 2015 was a year ago. It's all good if you aint had work because you threw a couple of hightlights off youtube together with songs over them, so hard such hard editing.

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