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Old 10-15-04, 12:39 AM   #13
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

manipulation vs. shi-1 was much anticipated, both seemed to me like they would have much potential on reaching the final round, when i first opened this tourney, but one would obviously not make it past this round, since ya both were paired together, not bad at all. manipulation had nice personals, ya punches hit for the most part, i respected ya meta efforts but ya multis lacked and so did ya wordplay, your main flaw was that a few senteces were a bit questionable, not bad over all though. on the other side we have shi-1, you had a great verse, much metas and multis shined through, which was a plus, ya had nice vocab and wordplay, but ya structure was weak, which is common. i loved the ending mini line, the two words at the end of the verse, that also completed a multi of the closure, your verse was over all good. which receives this vote.

vote: shi-1

even though i havnt seen much from you, looking foward to seeing more.


Shi-1 wins, due to 3 consecutive counted votes.

quote your own damn lyrics...