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Old 09-15-05, 03:42 PM   #6
13th.'s Avatar
Posts: 4,190
From: U.K

Growing to a young adult saying bye to years of adolescent
Arise of a new dawn,a sea which was once more fluorescent
I can talk unlike my simple friends of the under water ocean
Once just a love for the water and creatures, turned into a devotion

But know this is when my life gets turned upside down……

As a few years passed on an what so ever normal noon
Briskly swimming behind my friends,forming a platoon
But suddenly a fleet of waves crash upon many others
The once subtle blue now a tar black, all smothered
My friends disappeared look for others, no-one to be seen
An awful scene as I see a battered open leaking marine

As much time had pasted….

Many still get on with normal life, but still unseen to death
Living everyday the same just living to the last breath
I guess which is an oil still lie upon the oceans surface
Stand and embrace, I only utter one word ‘Disgrace.’
But as I see that the oil that we drink is not taking its toll
Trying to reach the soul,making them bigger,not under control
Over time I see that their fins which now more like wings
I see some of the fish try a spring,just see what tomorrow brings

But when I wake….

As I wake to what looks like an untouched ocean scene
Things still purely unseen, as my house is now so clean
But I look in the direction of the sun to watch & explore
Last left fish swims franticly towards a sun ridden shore
Unknown leap as I had got closer, now what in my mind
Never seen by mankind,images in my brain I try to rewind
The once swimming fish now glides through soft blue skies
Heart falls to my feet with this so now unwanted surprise
Subtly fall to the oceans floor, as I hold my head in my hands
If you could only see my tears trickle down my eyes,to their fate
Once happy booming life,falling to its death,left to degenerate

The beautiful days when I used to swim with the fishes
Now alone mermaid left to wallow in my saddest wishes