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Old 02-02-06, 08:08 PM   #5
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

I'm not wasting a fuckin' verse on a no show battle.

I should have won my last battle, my opponent wasn't online all week, so I didn't even bother posting.

So, if these people no show, give me the win, and consider this as my verse, and if they show, I'll drop something for real.

two crows, perched, waiting for death
their days scavenging, their days well spent
the darkened air, gives light to hell on earth
when the world fails, they prove their worth
the stench haunts the air, morbid with life
the barren emptiness gives appearance to the dreary site
skeletal remains creates the burrial grounds
howling wolves, hungry for death, sound their cries
feign existence is all around, bound with pain
the crows guard their instincts, the smell faint
like gargoyles, unseen, unnoticed till striking time
blood shed, in mud prints....there you will find
two crows waiting for death, they sing their song
the feast is starting; they do not wait long


understand it, or i will shoot you