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Old 03-10-09, 09:22 PM   #42
Dufflebag Boy
why so serious!!??
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Posts: 2,059

muarijuana as far as im concerned ISNT a drug. can you OD off it?? NO is it more harmful than some or most of the actual drugs out there? NO shit even ciggs are more harmful to your body...not saying that it doesnt have its negative effects but i dont believe its anywhere near bad enough to be considered illegal let alone a "demonized drug" you cant even get addicted to it atleast not physically. u see people going through withdrawals when they dont do it? you see people selling theyre tvs for that next dimebag?? NO NO and NO

what the fuck are we telling people? that if muarijuana is a drug then its just as bad as any other drug? EVERYONE at one point or another experiments. everyone atleast tries hitting weed once. i dont care who you are. what happens when people find out that weed isnt near as bad as everyone else makes it out ta be? they gonna try other drugs that are worse maybe even herion or crank with the impression that if muarijuana wasnt as bad as people said it is then maybe herion isnt either. then you got a true drug epidemic on your hands. thats the real reason they should legalize weed. it aint itself a gateway drug but it is as long as we continue to treat it like a drug

me myself personally im into more deeper heavier things..i wont touch a needle and i wont do herion, crank, or crack but lets put it this way...more things go up my nose than in my lungs lol
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