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Old 12-09-05, 11:22 PM   #7
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Crazy Hades

The alarm clock showed six, sounds reminiscent of thunder following through the dim room,
he had laid in wait staring at baby pictures and scientific literature since the rise of the moon.
And the gloom soon intruded and the mood is set eternally by angry, impatient hysterics,
his sobs as all he loved robbed could only be heard by those with the most potent of hearing...

In the adjacent kitchen lay a twisted girl, fatally sickened at her own deformed, ugly body...
Screams and dreams confiming death made the perfect disease, that was secretly shoddy.


"Feliz Navidad!" The class shouted, but little Lorana Viveras thought celebration was stupid,
and she fumed in the back of the room, swathed in shadows and staying hidden and secluded.
"Now class, settle down; silencio, silencio," Mrs. Gonzalez exclaimed, smiling, full of caring,
but Lorana turned her head, showing she was excluded from revealing her own holiday spirit.
"Lorana," Mrs. Gonzalez said, brows furrowing in worry. "I'd ask you to go and join us, but
what in the world is that?" Lorana gave her a strange look and felt something...maybe a fungus.
Giggles ran throughout the classroom, but Lorana was oblivious, absorbed in her own problem,
and rose as the class stared at her, holding her bookbag.
Behind her, someone called, "Green Goblin,"
causing most of the room to burst into laughter at the nickname, and Lorana onlt simply stared,
silencing the laughs with her glare, Mrs. Gonzalez's gaze following her, full of an abnormal fear.
The last thing Lorana heard as she exited the classroom was: "Down in Spain, there are reports..
of a deadly disease, where people receive cancerous growths and their corpses fill the morgues."


"Set your bookbag to the side now," said the nurse, staring at the girl with raised eyebrows.
"I'll be with you in a minute Ms. Viveras, so wait a moment. Go to those beds and lie down."
Lorana threw her backpack and settled into a bed, the top protected with a layer of plastic,
and underneath, the fabric was covered in notes and blaspheme.
"Now, I think it's pretty obvious what's happened;
You've contracted that bad virus that's going around," the nurse said, peering into Lor's iris.
Her inspections were followed by a long silence. "Well..." the nurse said. "I'm not lying...
it looks benign in this current stage, but I'm by far no expert on this type of strange matter,
and I want to call your parents." Lorana was mad concerning the fool and witch who had her.
Though some students would embrace the chance to leave school, she didn't want to go home,
but little did she know, soon the pain would begin as the flesh was sloughed from her bones.

[...Contamination... /\__/\__/\...]

The biologists were confuded, the Roman Church's bells sounded,
rapture had found its way to humanity and now was grounded...
in the form of a disease that adapted to its surroundings, carried
by the soon-to-be buried before Charon was paid for their ferry,
and the morgue was the background of the diseased and hurt...
with so many diseased...Time Stood Still...though clocks still worked.

Ticking above the families, who were each affected differently:
the normal scene was diseased parents, and a little girl whimpering.
It found them in shelters and wherever places they felt the most safe,
having viewed the most horrible scene, and there was not one change.

They simply called it...El...

Max McFly.

[ The faintest pulse... ______/\___ ]

Peeking through her swollen blood-shot eyes, a week passed strapped to hospital sheets,
Lorana is oozing puss and fungus with blistering tissue inside, the doctor's help seemed bleak,
While her father's rubbing her cheek, to the nurses her health was hardly an issue,
The cure would take years to concoct. Dad said, "Sleep so the death's grip will miss you."
With an evolved state of the Bubonic Plague infecting townspeople waiting to pounce,
When people wander the streets lurking for hope, the end of life has made a denouncement,
The father gently stroked his daughter's hand, looking at the blood vessels popped under her nails,
Her eyes went blank, spasms jerked around the fragile bone structure slowly becoming frail,
Sweating, glaring at the medical equipment through peripheral vision hoping she survives,
Letting her grab his shirt crying in agony screeching with arduous and wistful strives,
Lorana tugged with all her might scraping a gash with claw marks tearing his polo shirt,
She hugged him screaming out "Make the affliction stop!" The nurses were on high alert,
Blood was leaking through the 4-layered cloth, her eyes dripped with the parasite,
This was happening in every patient's room; they hardly had enough doctors to assist,
If this dreaded event keeps up, the whole town and everyone in it soon might not exist,
Spinal fluid mixed with exploding veins burst through her ears, her future wasn't bright,
Putrid-Green colored pigment consumed her face mixed with blue marks from the clotting,
The virus constricted her lungs only forcing Lorana to spit up blood, her silky hair rotting.

Apocalyptic, the city turned to a ghost town; a whimper could be heard across the streets,
It flashes back to past diseases; their society decides crumble as history seems to repeat,
In each little apartment, loved ones would collapse with no one to save their dying brothers,
Families are wrecked; babies tugging their bloody sweaters of their hopelessly choking mothers.

The faintly devilish voice turned hoarse, and Satan was riding down a one way road,
Hitting every living creature in his way, suddenly all you could hear was a beep explode,
Blood droplets had enter the father's cuts on his back from his daughter, tumors came bulging out,
Shouting "Honey, please…why did you stop breathing?! Need a heart? Mine I can do without!"
The Father stood carving Lorana's ribs with a scalpel, "Please, I just want to hear your heart beat!"
The Doctor came in terrified yelling, but "Have you gone mad!" is all he could repeat,
Lorana's loving dad puts his ear right to her respiratory system, breathing hard mumbling words,
Like "Please God, I'll give up my own organs to save the life of my daughter," Were absurd,
He hacks away at his shaky skin, inserts his own heart into her with malevolent chants,
The thick blood mixes with Lorana's, dripping impenetrable gunky ooze resembling Aloe Plants,
The nurse runs in; "What have you done?! You sick freak!" unable to comprehend the sadistic man,
Lights in the room blink back and forth with psychotic torture, his heart hung on by a strand,
All of the staff fainted, lying limp and languid; macabre scenes filled the room covered in blood,
The virus plans to vanquish everyone in the hospital, fiends bask devouring them in the flood,
The blood spattered clock strikes 12 o'clock while the hemic corpses twitch around the metropolis,
Where trapped souls frolicked turning this once prosperous community into a necropolis.