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Old 08-03-08, 05:11 PM   #10
King Solo
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Honestly man, I've got Kirk taking this battle.

I want him to lose so badly I almost feel like voting for Lay strictly for that reason. But, Lay's verse man I just couldn't get into. I think that he stretched his lines almost all the way through and it ruined the whole feel of the verse. Its one thing to have decent lines, but if a reader can't really get into them because it feels like a chore to read the verse... they tend to lose a lot of effect. Lay, didn't you say "quotes are gay" when you battled me.. and now you dropping 3 of them. LMFAO! Honestly, I thought you had some cool concepts in there, but there was a few gay concepts.. one that comes to mind is the save your breath line.. no offense but that was horrendous my friend. The slacker line was forced, the OH KIRK line didnt really play out to any effective nature.. it just seemed to simplistic. The outskirts line was cool and the swallow your pride was nice. The satan/ahgod/lay bar was pretty weak and the closer was fucking gay. Overall this was one of your weaker verses that I've seen. Kirk had a shitty opener I thought, as a matter of fact the next two bars were fucking weak to... he dropped the week 16/weak 16 play which I felt was ok, but a little bit overused now. The CALI punch could've been worded a bit better, but then you had the makin chicks SICK.. GET LOST bar going on which I thought was funny for some reason. Then you followed with the line of the battle flipping that shit from last week on him and the closer I thought was cocky, the swagger helped and did a nice job of finishing off the verse.

Overall, I felt that Lay had TWO decent bars and Kirk had THREE. Then overall Kirks verse was more polished.. he had an overall better rating in the punches department and it was just easier to get into and appreciate.

Vote: KIRK
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